Frequently Asked Questions

We have collected the most frequently asked questions regarding WIDNET SOLUTIONS and our product LUCY.

What is LUCY?

LUCY is a generative AI B2B SaaS software solution designed for ”screen-based” corporate employees. It provides HR live data reports about employee engagement and real pain points. LUCY enhances retention, primarily in the telco, banking, IT, and insurance industries.



What sets LUCY apart?

Functioning as a versatile friendly Chat-Bot backed by HR SMART Methodology, LUCY appears unpredictably while anonymously collecting the employee’s most accurate feedback, for only 1 minute, up to three times per month.


What does LUCY integrate with?

LUCY can be easily integrated with any current software that your HR and employees use.

Based on your needs, LUCY can be installed as a desktop application as well, so you will have it internally for each employee.

If you are a software development company, a product oriented one, we can integrate LUCY with your software and implement them as a one joint package, both for yours and our current and future customers.

What are the benefits of using LUCY?

-Turnover rates decrease when LUCY is engaged within a company by almost 68%.

-Concrete career development plans can be made out of the detailed AI reports produced by LUCY.

– Automating the HR survey process, and better control of the corporate culture and environment.

Save $4700 in recruitment costs per employee a year. 

What is the cost of LUCY?

Depending on the size and requirements of your company, our account management team will make a specific offer with the best price possible.

Generally, LUCY costs around $3 per employee a month.

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